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* Do you offer a free intro lesson?

We do not but would like to take this opportunity to explain why since this sometimes is a deciding factor when choosing a studio. 
In larger studios, with multiple instructors, there are always several lessons (not intro lessons) taking place, simultaneously, in the same room which covers the rental cost of the studio. At DinB there is just one instructor so that is not possible. In a shared room situation you will hear your "first dance song" or the song in the style of dance you are learning a maximum of 50% of your lesson time and likely less. If you are taking dance lessons for fun, it may seem that, it shouldn't matter what song is playing, but the song could be at complete odds with what you're learning. The distractions in the room and irrelevant music playing does impact the learning process. Here you will be THE ONLY people in the studio during your lesson - a completely private focused learning environment.  
What most people don’t realize is that usually the instructor in the “free lesson” is following a pre-determined format that gives the student a brief overview of all the dances they offer. The goal is to sell you lessons not to address your specific needs. At this studio you learn valuable pertinent information, specific to your situation, the moment the lesson starts. 
Another really valid reason for wanting to take a free intro lesson is to see if your instructor’s personality and teaching style connects with yours before you commit to lessons. Well, unfortunately it’s common that the instructor who does the “free intro lesson” will, most likely, not be the same instructor you will get for your private/group lessons. They often hand you over to a more experienced instructor after you purchase your lessons. At "Anyone Can Learn To Dance" Studio you will ONLY ever get an instructor with 30+ yrs of teaching experience who has a vested interest in your complete success!   

* What Should I Wear?

Wear anything that is comfortable. Your outfit of choice should allow you to move your arms and legs freely. Anything from workout clothes to party dress/tuxedo works. 
* Footwear?

Shoes that have never been worn outside, socks or bare feet all work. If you are seriously committed to taking lessons you should consider buying ballroom shoes. There’s a “Very Fine” catalog that features hundreds of different styles of great shoes for women and men and of course there's always Amazon.

* Will we be sharing the room with other couples and their instructor? 

You will be the only person/couple in the room and in the whole studio.
* Do I have to know what dance I want to do before I come in?

Absolutely not. If you are preparing for your first dance and have picked a song there are usually several different dances that will work with your music. In that case or if you are learning dance just for fun or a social event - after we demonstrate the different styles of dance, then you can decide based on your goals, and personality which works for you.
* Should I choose my first dance song before I come in for my first lesson?

It is helpful to have a first dance song chosen before your lesson or have narrowed it down to five or so but it's not absolutely necessary. I can help you with choosing a song. It also works to do the opposite, you can start with choosing the dance first and down the line choose the song. 

* I have no rhythm at all, can anyone learn to dance?

You walk in a rhythm, your heart beats in a rhythm, so believe it or not rhythm is innate to you! Once you are taught what to listen for, in the music, and with a little practice, you will be tapping and snapping right on beat in no time. The ability is there, it just needs to be unveiled. 
* How many lessons will I need to feel confident doing a particular dance or my wedding first dance? 
This is a very difficult question to answer because there are so many variables. Here are a few of them:

  • Your ability - how fast you learn. 

  • Your expectations for your first dance or general dancing. Do you wish your dance to look organic but are trying to avoid the high school “clutch & sway”, do you want to “wow” your guests/friends or would you like something in between? Everyone’s definition of confident and competent is different so it’s difficult to say.

  • How much you practice outside of class and develop that, all important, muscle memory. At this point, you might not even know the answer to those questions just yet. The average couple takes the five hour lesson package.  Although, some students do more and some less. Obviously the more lessons you do the better you'll be and the more advanced moves you'll know. But whatever number of lessons you decide on taking, the material taught is chosen based what you can master within that time frame. 

* When should I start taking lessons to prepare for my wedding or special event? 

Muscle memory will be your key to successful dancing.  It’s like driving a standard car or typing - when your muscles can automatically do something without much thinking then you know you've conquered that skill. Best case scenario is to start your lessons ASAP and practice, practice, practice - develop that muscle memory. Lots of couples like to use their lesson night as a “date night” of dancing and dinner. It's fun moving your body together to music you love, being held in the arms of someone you care for. But I do understand we all work differently. If you're the type of person who needs pressure to get things done, then you should wait until 3-6 weeks before your event depending on how many lessons you plan on doing. 

* Do you recommend that wedding couples do a choreographed routine?

We will do whatever works best for you. When doing a first dance or learning dance for fun some people find a routine or a general outline/order of dance patterns easier but others prefer free-styling it. Whether it's a choreographed dance or not we always show students clever ways, when a mistake is made, how to recoup and get back in rhythm so no one even knows the difference. For basic routines/choreography there is no extra charge but if research is needed, outside of class, then there is a $50 charge per hour. 

* Do you charge for last minute cancellations? 

A 48 hr cancellation notice is required to avoid being charged. Out of courtesy for students who could have used that particular hour and the studio rental cost please give sufficient notice. 
* What dances do you teach?

“Faux Dancing™” 
When couples don’t want to think about what their feet are doing and  just want to move together to the music, have a few spins/dips in order to enjoy dancing together we have invented this style and coined the phrase “Faux Dancing™ ”.  Basically it’s a way to move to the music, without footwork, adding lots of super easy spins. It seems to be just what some folks are looking for so we are happy to oblige. 
The kind of solo dancing done at weddings and in clubs. There is lots of variety in movement - no moves are wrong or right - because everyone is creating their own material which causes a lot of anxiety for some folks. They feel self-conscious, uncomfortable and at a complete loss as to what they should be doing. There's really no "should" but there are some basic moves that anyone can do. It helps to have some sort of a plan when getting out there on the floor. We bring out your natural movement. It’s about having fun. Music examples: “Uptown Funk” Mark Ronson; “Sugar” Maroon 5; "Respect" Aretha Franklin

Cha Cha
Cha Cha is a fast, flirtatious upbeat style typically danced to latin music but can often be seen danced to pop chart hits as well. Music examples: “Oye Como Va” & “Smooth by Santana”; “I Need To Know” by Marc Anthony; "Walkin' On The Sun" by Smashing Pumpkins

Waltz is characterized by sway, rise/fall and music which has three beats per measure. One part of the foot remains in contact with the floor at all times, creating a smooth, gliding look like a pendulum. Waltz is very elegant, graceful, and romantic. Music examples: “Moon River” Andy Williams; “Come Away With Me” Norah Jones
This is a great club dance! It’s really fast, fun, sexy, characterized by copious spins and pretzel-type arms. Salsa is constantly evolving as new generations frequent the salsa clubs. Now it is danced to a huge variety of different types of music including, contemporary pop, rock, and R&B. Music examples: “Ran Kan Kan” Tito Puente; “Solos” Jerry Rivera; "He Tratado" Victor Manuelle 
Often called the “Texas Two-Step” moves fast around the room with lots of fast spins. Dancers travel in a counter-clockwise direction around a large room. It's usually danced to country music. Music examples: “Forever and Ever, Amen” Randy Travis; “Suds In The Bucket” Sara Evan; "Wagon Wheel" Darius Rucker
Rumba is the "dance of love." It is slow, and sensual with a lot of hip action known as “Cuban Motion.” Rumba also goes nicely to contemporary love songs. Music examples: “The Look of Love” Dusty Springfield; “Sway” Michael Buble; "Traces" Gloria Estefan
Tango evolved from the sultry Argentine Tango danced in Buenos Aires. Movement is cat-like with unmistakable staccato movements all done with a dramatic attitude - think of the movie “Scent of a Woman”. Music examples: “Fernando’s Hide Away”; “Por Una Cabeza” featured in "Scent of a Woman" Carlos Gardel; "La Cuparsita"
West Coast Swing
West Coast Swing is danced in a slot and mostly in an open position which means holding just one or two hands. The smooth dance allows room for syncopated footwork and some improvisation for both the leader and follower. Performing their syncopations at will, followers have more freedom than with any other dance. Don't confuse it with East Coast Swing which is also called Jitter Bug or Lindy Hop - they have little in common. It's understood how it evolved from ECS but through it's metamorphosis it ended up looking completely different. Calling it swing is confusing to newcomers because they don't seem related. Music examples: “Let’s Stay Together” Al Green: “Halo” by Beyonce: "Marvin Gaye" Charlie Puth fea. Meghan Trainor 
Merengue is a fun, fast and easy dance made up of simple side-together steps. It’s probably the easiest most forgiving dance. Merengue is characterized by its marching rhythms and Cuban Motion. Music examples: “Suavemente” Elvis Crespo; “La Vida Loco” Ricky Martin; 
East Coast Swing
Also known as Jive, Jitter Bug, and Lindy Hop. It coordinates to a range of different speeds of Big Band music which dictates whether you will do single, double or triple time ECS. It even can be danced to modern day music. It’s probably the most popular social dance. Music examples: “L.O.V.E.” Nat “King” Cole; “Sign, Sealed, Delivered” Stevie Wonder; "Jump, Jive'n Wail" Louis Prima
Foxtrot is the dance of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. This elegant dance, of 1914, had its beginnings in a New York theatre. At the social dance level, it’s known for being the “conversational dance” meaning you can have a full blown conversation while dancing. Music examples: “Fly Me To The Moon” Frank Sinatra; “Better Together” Jack Johnson; "More" Andy Williams
Bachata is from the Dominican Republic. It’s a very sensual sexy dance done by people who have the option to get extremely close to their partners. Latin cuban motion is a big part of this dance. Music examples: “Lagrimas Negras” Cuba L.A.; “Stand By Me” Prince Royce; "Te Extrano" Xtreme
Night Club Two-Step
Nightclub Two-Step looks nothing like Texas Two-Step. It's a slow, romantic, smooth spot dance that features rock steps and a small glide. It is done to contemporary love ballads. Music examples: “A Whiter Shade of Pale” Procol Harem; “Sweet Love” by Anita Baker; "My Everything" 98 Degrees
Viennese Waltz
Viennese Waltz is characterized by its speed (twice as fast as Waltz) as well as its sway, and some rise and fall (less than Waltz). Think huge ballroom, tight fast continuous traveling spins, big ballgowns and tuxedos. Music examples: “Que Sera Sera” Doris Day; “Can’t Help Falling In Love” Elvis Presley; "Until..." Sting 
The Hustle is the partner version of disco dancing. It is a fast moving, energetic dance characterized by its many turns. Typically danced to disco music. Music examples: “Ladies Night” Kool & The Gang; “Crush” by Campsite Dream; "Last Dance" Donna Summer

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